Level 4 Projects
These projects were made during my first year at University. All in C++, it my first time working with the language; the only prior programming experience was a small Python Dutch translator project in college, and therefore my very first taste of game development.
As these projects were entirely mine to work on, I also designed the game loops (albeit, very simple) and made some 2D pixel art assets! For Skating in the Rain, I worked in Blender to make the skateboard.
Super Mario Bros
This project is a remake of the retro classic Super Mario Bros, which released in 1985. It uses C++ and the SDL2 library. It was made for my 'Games Engine Creation' module in my first year. The game consists of two levels the brothers must complete whilst collecting coins and dodging / killing Koopas and Goombas.
I primarily worked on Pacman for the duration of my first semester in my first year of university as part of the 'Fundamentals of Game and Graphical System Development' module. It was my first ever game creation, using my university's S2D engine. I worked on it for about three months.
Identical to the original, you play as Pacman, where you must navigate the map and collect all of the munchies (in my case, doughnuts!) without being caught by the ghosts. My ghosts were made to track Pacman, and in future developments I would like to add advanced pathfinding so they don't travel through the walls like they do now.
Skating in the Rain
Skating in the Rain is a simple 3D game / scene written in OpenGL C++ where the player is on a large platform amongst 'rain'(cubes). Next to to the player, sits a skateboard in which can be controlled using the IJKL keys.
This program may be simple, but took lots of time and work to get it functioning properly. The program contains a built-in bitmap reader as well as object loader and texturer. It also features full mouse and keyboard control in first person, whilst rendering smoothly at 60fps. In addition, it was my first time experimenting with a bit of inheritance.
This project is one of my favourites as I consider it a huge achievement from my first year at University. It was made for the 'Fundamentals of Game and Graphical System Development' module.