Infatuation Isolation

Infatuation Isolation is a top-down 2D adventure game created in Unity where your boyfriend has been imprisoned by his psycho ex girlfriend. You, the new girlfriend, must find keys deep inside the forest in order to save him.

Myself and my group, StaffsUnnamed, created this game as part of the Global Game Jam (GGJ) in January 2021 over the course of a weekend. Personally, I was in charge of sound and level design. I did not contribute in the form of programming in this project, as at the time I was unfamiliar with Unity. However, I took this opportunity to learn a lot about Unity, and what it is like working in a group of developers to create a game in such a short amount of time.

A link to our GGJ page with access to the source code can be found here: GGJ Site

Watch gameplay here: